How do we do it?

As a strong believers in the values propagated by the Agile Manifesto we are continuously inspecting, and improving our technical and personal skills. Knowing that frameworks (eg. SCRUM, Kanban, etc.) can limit efficiency, we are open-minded to incorporate any common sense improvement. Based on our previous experience, some of our developed best practices are presented below.

grooming ilustration

Backlog Refinement by KoloTree

  • Analyze requirements, breaking features, prioritizing and sizing stories
  • Make sure that features and stories are vertically sliced
  • Evaluate impact of groomed features and stories on existing architecture and design
sprint illustration

Sprint by KoloTree

  • Take into account more architectural and design details and dealing with possible technical debt (redesign)
  • Detect only main tasks so that maximum ⅔ of the capacity is filled (other tasks are detected during the spring execution)
  • Make sure that each team member is comfortable and committed in finishing the plan
  • For the sake of team’s focus, sprint scope is not changed during the sprint
  • Current sprint can be interrupted with newly detected bugs
  • In order to improve our quality and efficiency retrospective meeting is facilitated by the end of the sprint
  • At KoloTree retrospective is the most important meeting during the sprint
continuous integration illustration

Continuous Integration by KoloTree

  • Gated check in ensures that each commit is verified by automatic build and tests execution and code analysis
  • Developers are encouraged to create small pull requests in order to have quality code review and fast code integration
  • CI process can be configured to deploy built binaries to target environment(s)